Sunday, December 6, 2009


So I'm not sure what's going on but I had my first hard core chocolate craving today. Crazy coming from a girl who thinks Milky Way bars look gross and the smell of Reese's turns my stomach upside down. I think the stress of finals is finally setting in as my one and only Calc final approaches tomorrow. Not only do I feel unprepared, but also completely lost in anything my TA does.

Official first ChocoCraving: December 6, 2009
Specifications: I want dark, bitter chocolate
My Cure: Coffee... bitterness is what I was looking for


  1. I'm pretty sure your chocolate craving is coming from that one presentation. The chocolate bombers are apparently working their magic.

  2. BRILLIANT! Here we go, another one converted... now our website will be expanded to include a cult following... The Church of Chocolate... converts choco-haters and choco-neutral people to choco-lovers.

    Ok, maybe that's taking things a little too far.
