1. Last week from Monday to Thursday at Midnight, you can get a free donut and energy drink (Monster) from the Library Atrium.
2. I never drank energy drinks before going to Georgia Tech except one time, which led to my friends banning me from every drinking them (Why? I'm afraid even I do not know o.o)
3. Recent days I've spent my time on the highest floor in the library, where one day I saw this on the wall: "I've been imagining having ... in the library. What has Georgia Tech done to me?"
With that last question, I also began thinking of an answer, which I reached Thursday night/Friday early morning.
Near midnight Thursday night, I went to the Library Atrium with my boyfriend and his roommates. I was on a mission for donuts whereas my boyfriend and his roommates were after getting all the energy drinks they can get. Initially, the line was long but after the first run-through the line, the line got incredibly shorter. The donuts definitely ran out within the first fifteen minutes; doughnuts actually ran out right after our group reached the table. On the other hand, the Monsters were nowhere near depletion. The people running the stand were actually having a little competition between themselves of who can distribute the most of one particular kind of Monster: blue or green.

In the end, we acquired 17 Monsters, which somewhat overflowed from my friend's fridge. We had to drink a few of them. One roommate of my boyfriend remained in the dorm, where he
was lying on the floor. As we had to drink some of the Monsters, another roommate rolled one to another roommate, who immediately opened and drank it... the Monster spilled all over the floor. We were in for a crazy night.
So what is my answer to what Georgia Tech has done to me? After watching my boyfriend be tricked to jugging down one Monster and then drinking 3 Monsters myself, I'd say that Georgia Tech has made me a more daring/bold person to try new things with only the sky as the limit, which may or may not be a good thing considering I'm already quite a trigger happy person.
Aftermath of Crazy Night (Round One):

P.S. Monster, Monster, Monster, Monster, Monster, Monster!
P.S.S. Drink with caution. Exceeding three may lead to undesired consequences.
P.S.S.S. Green > Blue Monster. Also, can there be that many S's after P?
This was really hilarious.. A monster is just an energy drink and wont do any harm to anyone. I would say its more like a coffee just with no milk in it. both of them have caffeine, so if one can gulp down coffee so why not a MONSTER.
ReplyDeleteI just have to say WOW! I couldn't fit that many energy drinks in my refigerator! Where would I put all of my food? I am a little jealous that you have that many , but then again they don't work to well with me. I prefer Sobe drinks, they taste good and some of them are actually good for you. But then again what is good for us is confusing now after taking this class.
ReplyDeleteHaha~it is hilarious that we posted something about Monster at the same time.