Sunday, December 6, 2009

The price of pizza these days

Just like everyone else I have been studying for the last week like I have never studied before in my life. So today I thought I would reward myself with a nice pizza. Getting tired of the dining hall I called up the local Pizza Hut and asked if they had any deals. I found the worker to be quite ill tempered and she got mad at me because I didn't know exactly what I wanted when I called. So then I called Papa John's and the cheapest pizza they had was about $8 with any reasonable toppings. On top of that they wanted $5 worth of delivery and taxes. I remember the days when you could walk into a Pizza Hut or Papa Johns and get a personal pizza for $3 . Unfortunately I gave up on my pizza hunt and sadly got a burger at the dining hall :( . Oh well, maybe when I am off for my break I can reward my hard working with some home cooked ribs :)

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