Monday, August 24, 2009

Also... :]

This is what I deem a delicious afternoon snack, topped with me and my roomie's pet plant Hermit and a slowly dying flower, I'd say the close to my day is going pretty well so far.

A cup of chai: not just for any average tea lover. As the smell permeates my room I feel the troubles of not enough sleep and missing a class drift out of my open door. The spicy, bittersweet taste slides down my throat, and I can hear the shouts and yells of people from outside my window, but this cup of tea is enough to keep me happy and concentrated on what homework I have. The aftertaste of mint reminds me of a cool air conditioned room after a hot run in summer heat.

Doritos, the staple food of every chip loving teenager. This is a must when I'm craving something salty and spicy. Cool Ranch flavor, yum. Topped with a couple pieces of chocolate, and I'm a happy little Asian.


  1. What do we have here? A tea-lover indeed!
    Why, you must be English! How nice to meet you!

    Those "iced-tea" beverages they sell these days in coke cans is NOT tea. Real tea is enjoyed by sipping the brimming liquid slowly while taking in all aspects of the flavor. It is not gulped down like a can of coke.

    (In case you were wondering, I'm not English either. We Asians - apart from the Chinese, who maintain an ancient tradition - seem to have retained that British aftertaste)

  2. hahahahahahahaahaha. that's funny, considering i am indeed Chinese....xD

    I love tea though :D

    Here's a list of the teas I currently have in my room:
    1. Chai
    2. Green Tea
    3. Green Tea (actual tea leaves, straight from China)
    4. Herbal Infusion
    5. Black Tea (Awake from Starbucks)
    6. Earl Grey
    7. Passion Tea (supposed to be drunk cold)
    8. Chamomile
    9. Chamomile and Mint
    10. Orange and Spice
    11. Chai Green Tea (sadly there is only one left of this D:)
    12. Green Tea with Lemon

  3. Wow, you've got quite an impressive collection! Why don't you post something about the different varieties of tea that you have along with their pictures?

    That would be interesting.

    My personal favorite is Assamese Darjeeling Tea, drunk quickly without simmering for too long, without milk or sugar.

  4. yummmmmm :]

    i SHOULLD put up a picture of my teas....hehehehe :D

  5. I'm going to try awake tea today ....
    I hope it can keep me awake or something because I was sleeping the whole day and I still want to sleep :(

    I love your picture, are you sure that was taken in your dorm?? lol Your dorm looks fancy :D

  6. haha thank you :]

    yes xD this is indeed my dorm. i attest the "looking good" part to my photography skills :D

    i took ap art in school hehe

  7. I have to agree on the Doritos....mmm especially Cool Ranch. Cute blog =]
