Sunday, August 23, 2009

Evaluation of ....

I really enjoyed reading Appetite for China but I'm not too sure about David Lebovitz. So, my comment are quite subjective and personal.

Appetite for China

The blogger, as she always ate chinese food on vacations when she was little, built up a passion for the chinese dishes. Now, using her blog, she aims to open the door to different regional cuisines of China. Her purpose of the blog seems to be complete; she has a strong focus on Chinese food. Moreover, the blogger can be highly trusted although there might be different opinion on the taste of different dishes. She had worked for many programs such as the BBC(though BBC can lack credibility sometimes), CBS Early Show and etc.

Her organization of the blog is pretty much professional. She has links that can take the readers to “Recipes by Category” and to her review on “Restaurants by City”. The “Contact me” button is up there as well, so that readers are always welcome to contact the blogger. Personally, I love how there is almost no advertisement. The previous blogs I read had so many advertisements that I got distracted from reading the blog. In addition, I loved how the blogger introduces the dish and we can press “Read more” if we want to know more about it and find the recipe for the dish. The pictures are also attractive to the readers. They motivates the readers to enjoy Chinese food as well.

David Lebovitz

David Lebovitz seems to be a famous cook. His blog has a welcoming green and white color balance. His blog is easy to navigate and user friendly since readers can easily access different categories. The links that he has in the entries also give shortcuts for the readers to search for topics they are not too sure about. He has a strong voice. As readers we can see him making humorous comments and explaining the dish. The photographs looks as if they were taken by real professionals.

The biggest problem with this blog is the purpose of the blog. This blog’s purpose could have been an introduction to “living the sweet life in Paris” related to food. However, as a reader, I feel that this blog is based on advertising. Advertisement takes too much space on the right side which could have been used for better purposes. Advertisements are even present in between entries. I’m not saying that advertisement is all bad but he’s purpose of creating a blog does not seem truthful to his passion for food.


  1. I would say that although there are plenty of advertisements in David's blog, they are not too distracting. The ads are all food based and so at least partially relevant to the blog. His blog is very well written and captivating, with very attractive pictures. These attributes make the ads less distracting.

  2. Yay, a comment
    Actually I think you might be right. His blog is very well written and yes has a lot of attractive pictures(the goat cheese looks so good!). I guess I got a bit frustrated after doing a lot of homework and tried to ease my frustration by being critical about the advertisement hehe sorry :D

    But, we can't ignore that he does try to sell his try going to and look at "Q: Why did you move to Paris?" and guess where the link takes us to...

    Thanks for commenting :D
