Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blog Testing

I just wanted to see if I can post an entry using my evaluations I did last week. Testing testing one two three testing

Little Corner of Mine

As a cook and a mother, the writer uses the blog to share the her personal experience in the art of cooking. Her blog is focused on the idea of sharing cooking experiences as she elaborates on how she prepares a dish and how successful her recipe was. She seems to have a balanced point of view about her cooking. The judgement on how successful her cooking depends on her individual thoughts and the response from her family members. This increases the credibility of the writer as well as make the readers more aware of what could be done to make the food taste better. In addition, she frequently uses reference from other cooks, SAHMs(Stay At Home Mom) and other bloggers, increasing the credibility.

The way how the blog is organized is quite appealing as well. The date comes first and then big flashy orange colored fonts with the name of the food is presented. Later came the huge picture of the dish. The picture of Guilin Vermicelli with Minced Pork just grabs the attention of the readers, especially when they are hungry. For some entries she divides them into sections such as “Ingredients”, “Method”, and etc. This enhances the readers’ attentions because it can help the readers choose what they want to read and it is more visually appealing. Talking about visual appearance, the most recently updated entries are on the top while the latter ones are below it. Moreover, on the right side of the blog, there are links that can conveniently take the readers elsewhere, making the navigation of the blog much easier. The contract address is also on the right bottom corner if readers want more information about her experience.

Accidental Hedonist

Kate Hopkins organized her entries with the title in big bold letters, then the date and time she wrote the blog in smaller letters. Next came the email icon which the readers can click to contact her. On the left side, we can see the months with links on them while on the right side we can see the links to different articles. She did categorized her entries but as a reader, I found it hard to navigate through her blog since there were no easily accessible links for the different categories. Still, she has really beautiful pictures of the food she writes about on her blog which are visually appealing. Her blog seems to not have an introduction about what the blogger is going to talk about in her blog. Hence, for first-time visitors, they might not be sure on what the blogger is going to focus on. As for me, I thought this blog was focused only on beer but as I skimmed through I found out that she’s writing topics related to food. The blog is really informative as it tries to pack the readers with information about food and Kate Hopkins also expresses her ideas on other food related articles. The fact that her blog is packed with information increases the credibility of her articles. However, too much information could bored the readers and she seldom uses informal language, reminding the readers that this is not a formal or official report.

Comments are welcomed :D N my writings a bit (a lot cough*) rusty and unorganized cause I haven't wrote an english essay for a long long time... well for two months but its long enough to forget everything you learned in highschool


  1. No, really WonTaek, this is pretty good... but you need to brush up on your parallelism in grammar and connectors and whole lot of other stuff. But otherwise, it's pretty neat.

    AARC is out to get you!

  2. HatTheFatCat
    Thanks, yeah I haven't really focused on my grammar, if you have the time you could correct my mistakes for moi : D

    LOL Not the AARC...
    You wait until I call the PETC!!!

  3. I've got the time, so I'll correct your mistakes:

    Line 4: "...uses the blog to share the her personal..." should be "...uses the blog to share her personal..."

    Line 12: "...uses reference from other cooks..." should be "...uses references from other cooks..."

    Line 16: "...Later came the huge picture of the dish..." should be "...Later comes the huge picture of the dish..."

    Line 19: "...this enhances the readers' attentions..." should be "...this enhances the readers' attention..."

    Line 20: "...because it can help the readers choose..." should be "...because it helps the readers choose..."

    Line 24: "...the contract address..." should be "...the contact address..."

    Line 30: "...the readers can click to contact..." should be "...the readers could click to contact..."

    Line 32: "...She did categorized her entries..." should be "...She did categorize her entries..."

    Line 37: "...I thought this blog was focused only on..." should be "...I thought this blog focused only on..."

    Line 38: "...found out that she's writing on topics..." should be "...found out that she was writing on topics..."

    Line 42: "...too much information could bored the readers..." should be "...too much information could bore the readers..."

    Line 42-44 is contradictory and doesn't make sense.

    Line 45: "...comments are welcomed..." should be "...comments are welcome..."

    Line 46: "...I haven't wrote an english essay..." should be "...I haven't written an English essay..."

    There were several other minor errors, but I was too lazy to correct them.

    Please use more punctuation in the future. And try to clean up your narrative. It's very unwieldy.

    Aside from all that, your essay's pretty good.

    PETC can kiss my a**.

  4. You don't even know what is PETC is lol...

    anyways thanks :D

  5. It's People for the Ethical Treatment of Chickens, I believe.

    You're welcome, though.
