Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Marietta Diner

At first glance, The Marietta Diner is nothing spectacular. It is a drab looking building that appears to have remained untouched since the 1950’s. However, upon walking inside, all previous conceptions are erased and replaced with a sense of awe. The bustling diner is a veritable hive of activity. On a Saturday night, around 8 pm, the diner is packed with people waiting outside to be seated. Regardless, the wait to get a table for two is a measly ten minutes. The staff is very well organized and friendly. Our server appears almost immediately to request our drink choices. We are served a complementary spinach pie, a Greek dish that completely restructured my views on spinach. It is absolutely delightful; a wonderful start to the evening.

The drinks arrive and much to our surprise, the Cherry Coke my date ordered came with real cherries floating on the surface. The soup and salad dishes are served almost immediately after ordering. They are the epitome of perfection. The Cream of Turkey soup is deliciously rich; the Caesar Salad an explosion of freshness. The lettuce is crisp, and the croutons make an exit with a loud, satisfying crunch. The unique tomatoes taste as if they had just been plucked from the plant. The main dishes arrive soon after, and they come out looking exquisite. Roasted Long Island Duck served with rich mashed potatoes, sautéed vegetables, and a mushroom cap filled with crab meat for my date and a simple tuna melt for myself, served with some of the best french-fries I have had in quite some time. The proportions are massive, and the food divine. The duck falls off the bone, and is a delightfully tender morsel of perfection. The potatoes are wonderfully seasoned; rich and creamy. My tuna melt on rye bread is unparalleled in its simple goodness. The bread is crisp, and the tuna is so thick that I find it difficult to wrap my mouth around it to take a bite.

Our server is very attentive, coming around often to checkup on our dining experience. He brings us fresh drinks as ours are running low, and as my date attempts to fish out his last cherry, the server laughs and offers to help. When my date finally concedes, the server simply picks up the new glass and pours it with an artful flourish into the old, allowing all the cherries to mix together. He then proceeds to do the same for me so that the lemons in my sweet tea need not be displaced.

Finishing a meal is a relative term at the Marietta diner. I cannot imagine that anyone would actually be able to finish everything on their plate, so requests for to-go boxes are very much common place. The server promptly brings us one and then retreats while we finish up; sitting back to let our food digest some before making an attempt to leave. Before we leave, we decide that we absolutely must try one of the fantastic looking deserts they have on display at the front counter. We order a slice of Butterfinger Cheesecake to-go. When it appears in its box, we are startled by its gigantic proportion. Like the rest of the meal, it is far more than one person should be able to eat, especially after consuming such a large meal before-hand.

Once we arrive home, we decide that we simply must try a bite of the creation we have brought back with us. It is more delightful than anything we had imagined. The cheesecake is beautifully arranged, with a flute of chocolate running right down the center. It is has a wonderful texture; light and creamy, yet rich and luxurious at the same time. It is certainly worth the extra money. I would suggest that anyone who eats at the Marietta Diner simply must try one of their desserts.

One Sunday night at around six, I went for another dinner at the Marietta Diner. It was much less crowded, but curiously, the service was not quite on the level that it was on the crowded Saturday night, but this can probably be attributed to the individual server. It is much quieter on my Sunday visit, but even on Saturday when the diner was full to the brim the noise level was not overbearing. The food however, was just as wonderful. We ordered the Stuffed Chicken Triplets; a very filling dish centered around three stuffed chicken breasts. One is filled with crab meat, another with spinach and feta cheese, and the third with apple stuffing. It is served with the same mashed potatoes, stuffed mushroom cap, and sautéed vegetables that accompanied the duck. The Philly Cheese Steak, a common dish at diners across the country, was superbly prepared. It reaches our table almost too hot to eat, but the allure of the melted cheese and hot strips of meat is just too strong. I take a bite and my mouth is assaulted with flavor. It seems that this diner can take any ordinary dish and turn it into a spectacular creation

A dinner for two at the diner can get a little pricey, but judging by the proportions and the divine tastes, it is well worth the money. The cost per meal for dinner ranges between $7.25 for a beef burger with fries, to $28.95 for twin lobster tails stuffed with crab meat and hot butter. Their vast menu contains a wide variety of food. They have arrays of burgers and sandwiches, and numerous dinner specials falling under their self designated categories of sautéed, sautéed seafood, broiler, and broiler seafood. They also serve breakfast and lunch, for they are open 24 hours.

The atmosphere of the Marietta Diner is a key factor in its appeal, and is something that should certainly not be downplayed. When you walk through the entrance way, you are immediately greeted by the host, but right behind him is a magnificent display of desserts set up in glass shelves. There are enormous cakes and cookies that are exquisitely designed; edible works of art. Once you manage to force your eyes off of the deserts, you are thrown into a whirlwind of activity. To your right is a large luxuriously decorated dining room. There is sconce lighting on the walls, and warm reddish brown furniture. The carpet emanates warmth and a feeling of relaxed importance. The far wall is covered in mirrors, which succeeds making the room seem even more open while still retaining its cozy, warm feel. To the left is a room quite the opposite. It is your standard diner room; open and well lit.

The Marietta Diner is a fabulous combination of wonderful food, cozy atmosphere, and prompt, entertaining service. It is obviously a favorite in Marietta, because no matter what the time, there are always people around; eating, conversing, or just soaking up the atmosphere. It is located within a five minute walk from the Southern Polytechnic State University campus, and the students there advocate the diner as one of the best places to eat around town. I would recommend that anyone who spends time in the area should eat at the Marietta Diner at least once. Dessert is an absolute must, and whatever one orders for a meal is sure to please.


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