Sunday, October 18, 2009

I cooked Chinese food @ GT!

I cooked Chinese food in my dorm with my friends from Shanghai. We missed Chinese food so much and felt really excite to cook at GT. We got all the ingredients, condiments and from Target and Publix. Since we could not find chopsticks, we had to have Chinese food with folks and spoons. By the way, I invited Herman, but unfortunately he had to prepare for his test on Friday, so he missed the meal.

This is the Chinese flavor mushed potato. Unlike to cook the American type, we use green onion to cook mushed potato. The procedure is as follows:
1. Put two potatoes and water in a bowl, use the microwave to heat the potatoes for 15 minutes.
2.Peel the potato
3.Mix the potato with 1/2 cup of milk and salt.
4.Cut the green onion into small pieces
5.Put some peanut oil in the pan, use the stove to heat it
6.Put the green onion and the mixture in the pan, and fry.

This is the shirmp with onion cooked by my friend. So I don't know the recipe of it.

This is the pumkin. Actually NONE of us knew how to cook pumpkin. So we searched on the net. But this was still disgusting! We didn't know it was because the recipe was wrong or we did something wrong.

This is the pork. I had cooked it during the group meeting of our final project before. (But this will not appear in our final project. Just for fun.) The procedure is as follows:
1.Cut every pork "softly"(Do not seperate the pork)
2.Add millet wine,green onion, ginger, and amylum in the pork, wait for 20 minutes
3.Fry the pork
4.Add soya sauce and suger

This is the cold cucumber. We added some condiments, such as salt, vineger, suger, monosodium glutamate in it. Almost all Chinese family cook this because it is really convinient. What's more, in different area of China, people use different condiments when cook cold cucumber. Some may use garlic and other may use red pepper.

This is a kind of vegetable. (We just found it in Publix, but we didn't know what it is.) We fried this with some salt. It was pretty good.

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