Sunday, October 18, 2009


I know my eating habits have deteriorated into a very unhealthy state since i have come to college and made Brittain my regualar dining spot, but i think that the worst thing i am putting into my body on a consistent basis is not even a food at all. While i am surely eating hamburgers at a greater rate than i have ever had, too many hamburgers, in fact, i believe that the real problem is the amount of soda im consuming. Though a hamburger is by no means a healthy food, it still contains some nutrients like protein. Soda on the other hand is nothing but sugar. Sugar can be good, in small quantaties, but 40 grams per serving is way to much. If anyone wants to try to start eating better at Brittain the first thing i would suggest is to stop drinking so much soda, and explore the other drink options that the dining halls have.


  1. I think that what you are experiencing here goes a little deeper. When I was in high school our county pulled all of the sodas from the vending machines at school and replaced them with diet versions. This was an effort to curb "obesity" in our culture, but I always found it strange that they would still serve gatoraide and poweraide at lunch which has almost the same amount of calories and sugar. This brings me to my next point which is that we are not addressing the real problem here. The real problem is that people are not making the right choices. You stated that you have been drinking too much soda and realize that this could become a bad habit. Therefore you are going to decrease your consumption of soda. High five to you for being a logical person that can make decesions. For some reason society doesn't want to make this choice and blames the result on soda makers.

  2. Yes, I agree it is solely based on the decisions people make. Soda is definitely bad for you but if you regulate how much soda you drink then it is okay to have it sometimes. I personally do not drink soda anymore because it is so strong when I drink it. Try drinking apple or orange juice...they are amazing!

  3. Wow you realized this too? I just realized it like last week tuesday and I stopped drinking from then. From my experience, I lost 5kg or more in Korea when I stopped drinking sodas :D I wished the dining hall had better vegetable dishes

  4. Yeah drinking soda is not healthy at all. But sometimes it's a hard habit to break if you usually drink caffeinated sodas. But honestly I don't think diet sodas are any healthier. There are so many chemicals put in there to make it sweet you're practically just drinking cancer from a bottle. Not really, but pretty close. I never drink diet sodas.

  5. Fruit juices (in low quantities) are often better alternatives than soda. Although fruit does contain a lot of sugar, at least there are many vitamins and minerals to go with it. My personal favorite juice is orange passion fruit guava. I would also try to distinguish having fruit "juice" versus fruit "drink."

  6. Alhought I know soda drinks are not good for health, I still love them. I like the cool feeling of my throat after drinking coke and sprite. I think I will try some juice which is healthier next time.

  7. Sodas are the only consumable drink in Woodruff, apart from lemonade and water. Once, I tried the "100% Real Juice" Minute Maid orange juice and all that came out was murky water. I'm not kidding...

    Milk is okay, but I like my milk hot, not cold like it usually is... and the tea is absolutely horrendous. You need to realize that Iced tea is NOT tea. I hate coffee anyway, and root beer is boring. What else can I drink?

  8. Aside from drinking the French Vanilla of drinks time to time, I drink alot of soda and I've known it for a long time that it was bad. I have a cousin who absolute refuses to drink soda after a lecture in a science class where the teacher submerged a huge piece of meat into a pool of soda and she was horrified at the sight of the meat rotting.

    Even knowing this, I still drink soda. Perhaps I have a weak will but it's quite addicting, especially when we live in the city where one of the most renowned sodas was made.
