Friday, October 2, 2009

Spotting at Barnes and Nobles!

Yesterday I decided that I wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles to pick up a couple cook books for my own personal enjoyment. As I was going through the shelves I noticed a ton of books mentioning Julia Child's and even found "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." As I looked through the book I realized that the book is utterly boring. No pictures, no style, just many different recipes. I now understand why Julie in the movie "Julie and Julia" went through so much stress when cooking these recipes...

So I moved back to the more interesting cookbooks when another cookbook caught my eye. A cookbook called "Gourmet Today." But what caught my eye was the editor. Ruth Reichl! So of course I had to peer through this book and see what this had to offer. I found "Garlic and Sapphire" entertaining and a joy to read, however, this cookbook was severely lacking the fun factor. There were pictures in the book but they were all black and white. So, it was a bit better then Julia Childs cookbook, but was not the type of book I was looking for.

I ended up purchasing a book called "Anyone Can Bake" which is filled with numerous treats and desserts that look delicious. The book offers step by step instructions with plenty of pictures to follow along with.

So with this book I plan to make a dessert of some kind every week and bring it to class (if it is good) for the class to enjoy! Like Julie in the movie, I will work my hardest to report about these different recipes. Report the failures, successes, hints for a better dessert, so others can enjoy these treats also!

Let's Begin! :)


  1. Pictures are always helpful when it comes to cooking although I hope the use of pictures didn't compromise the other factors important to the recipes e.g. decreasing the size of the text or decreasing the room per recipe within a page. :\

    My family has a few books where the pictures causes such a bad tradeoff. Another horrible trade off would have pictures but they're impossible to follow.

  2. I can see what you are saying. For me, if a cookbook does not make me excited to cook the food that it contains, then it would fail to interest me. And if it lacks pictures or has boring pictures then it certainly would not interest me

  3. One way to get my attention is by saying free food.
    I think what you are doing sounds really interesting. I wish I could try it out too, but I'm not a very successful cook, and I know I would stop after maybe one week because cooking isn't something I particularly enjoy.
    I look forward to... um... seeing how the recipes work out :)

  4. There are many cookbooks on sale at the area near the cashier at Barnes and Nobles. They are really cheap and worth. I bought one named "The Oprah Magazine Cookbook" there. I really love this book! It has many gorgeous pictures and only costs me 8 dollars! You can browse that area next time if you want~
