Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Cheese Cake Bistro

Today I went out to Atlantic Station to do some shopping with my Mother. We walked by a little place called the Cheese Cake Bistro. My mom loves cheese cake and we were looking for some desert anyways, so we decided to try it out. It turns out that inside, it is quite a fancy place where you can have an entire meal, but we just wanted dessert. I ordered the Fresh Banana Fudge cheese cake; it is New York style cheese cake with a topping of fresh bananas, fudge, and whipped cream. It was absolutely delicious! It was the smoothest cheese cake I have ever tasted. It was however a bit pricey. A slice of cheesecake cost about 7 dollars, but I would say that it was certainly worth it. If you ever happen to be in Atlantic Station and have a craving for cheese cake I would definitely recommend checking this place out.


  1. I love Cheese Cake Bistro! It is sooo good and they do have the best dessert. I think I had something with a cookie in it. I can't remember.

  2. Am I the only person that doesn't like cheesecake? Everyone else I talk to says it's simply the most amazing dessert ever and seems shocked when I say I don't like it.
    I've tried cheesecake about 5 times in my life and every time I ask myself why I tried it again. I like all the ingredients in cheesecake, but the flavor changes when they are all together and it just tastes bad.
    Anyway, I hope you all enjoy your Cheese Cake Bistros and Factories. I'm gonna go have me a nice, simple brownie.

  3. Hey George, I am on your side. I tend to choose other desserts over cheesecakes. I do not like the texture of cheesecake.

  4. I love cheesecake. So much so that I'm actually making chocolate chip cheesecake for the final group project. Its gonna be hard as hell, but you gotta give something to get something in return.

    Hopefully it won't be a disaster like last time...

  5. I also love cheesecake. I haven't heard of Cheesecake Bistro, but I have been to a Cheesecake Factory which is the same type of place that offers a large variety of dishes as well as good desserts and cheesecake.

    lol, good luck Hasan!

  6. Like Joshua, I've never heard of the Cheese Cake Bistro. I have also been to the Cheese Cake Factory. One of my favorite cheesecake flavors there has to be the Vanilla Bean Cheesecake. It is normal cheesecake with vanilla mousse and whipped cream.
