Friday, October 30, 2009


Someone I know very well was recently reccomended for health reasons to begin a gluten-free diet. I never realized the incredible prevalence of gluten (a product of wheat) in our society. A person on a gluten is unable to eat all but a precious few items from fast food restaurants, cannot eat cookies or cakes, and cannot eat the majority of American meals (breakfasts, lunches, and dinners all consist of many gluten-containing foods. All things considered, a gluten-free diet is very difficult to begin and maintain. Those of you who have special dietary considerations, I now can identify with you to some extent, and I have special sympathy with those who require special diets.


  1. i've heard of a lot of case of where people have had to go on a gluten free diet, but ive never understood why it is so bad and what problems it cases in certain people.

  2. Some people choose to begin a diet, but some people are required to. I think people with required control in diet are more unfortunately. They cannot simply eat certain food. My mother's side family has a genetic history of diabetes mellitus. So some of my family members cannot eat anything sweet, They cannot eat ice cream, candies, etc. Since gluten decomposes to some type of sugar, they can have limited amount of gluten-food as well. For me, food is very important. I care what the food is made of and how it is made a lot.

  3. I agree with Jay. What's more, people with diabetes mellitus cannot eat a lot of food made from flour. In a word, food is important, but health is much more important.
