Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sleep vs. Breakfast

As a college student, two basic needs govern my day: sustenance and sleep. Often, though, one must be sacrificed in favor of its brother. It is difficult to maintain the necessary high level of coherence and comprehension without sufficient sleep; it is difficult to focus on the task at hand and maintain proper brain function (due to neuroglycopenia) without sufficient sustenance. Due to the adverse effects incurred by both of these basic necessities(I wanted to say: 'both of these necessaries' but didn't know if it would be grammatical), a choice must be made, on a situation-by-situation basis: the lack of which of these will cause the least adverse effects on my performance today?

Inspired to write by the post about the importance of breakfast, that is the case that I will consider, as it has actually been one of importance to me of late. On Mondays, Wednesdays(wednesday is spelled so strangely), and Fridays, I must choose whether to wake up with enough time to eat, or whether I should forgo eating for a maximum of sleep. Lately, I will admit, I have been electing to choose the latter option (I know, I know...this is supposed to be a food blog...) and nabbing that extra bit of sleep. I have found that getting more sleep increases my attentiveness during class and makes me a much more gooder student.


  1. I like the ironic (or what I hope is ironic) use of "gooder" in the last sentence.

    Good call on the 'necessities' instead of the 'necessaries'!

  2. Some people can survive with only 4 hours of sleep while others need more hours. :) It's dependent on people.

    Never been much an eater and I don't think I will be any time soon (especially with Computer Science homework) so don't feel alone on choosing sleep over food for the time being. :)

  3. I have heard some people saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, for me i am not hungry at all usually in the morning and don't eat breakfast regardless of the situation. I probably gave up consistent breakfast eating five years ago. Though i enjoy the extra sleep i get, i don't think i would eat breakfast even if i had later classes

  4. Before I went to college I would eat breakfast every morning. Since I started, I have not had breakfast once.

    The main reason I haven't had breakfast is because of the few extra hours of sleep. Right now, any sleep I can get is so important, because I stay up late every night for some reason or another. It just isn't worth waking up an hour early to get a few bites to eat before I head out.

    Another reason I don't have breakfast is because of the time increments. I have a 14-day meal plan, so if I want to have breakfast at say... 11:30, I won't be able to have lunch at all and will have to wait until dinner to eat again. I'd rather wait it out for an hour or two before I eat, because we're not allowed to have two lunches for some reason.

  5. I would always choose food over sleep. I am one of those people who don't need inordinate amounts of sleep to function, so I always wake up a bit earlier than most to eat breakfast. I have sleepy memories of waking up a at 4:00 am on Saturday mornings so I can eat breakfast before leaving for my Cross Country meets.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Breakfast is really important. Some researches have showed that always missing breakfast can cause gallbladder disease.
    Actually, I'm a heavy sleeper. Although I have unlimited meal plan, I still choose to have breakfast in dorm. I go to Publix or Target every week to buy milk, yoghurt, cookies, and wheat. Thus I can have enough time to sleep, and I will not miss my breakfast.
