Friday, October 16, 2009

Listen up!

What do you think about the hygiene at the woody?
I think it's poor. Very poor. I was disgusted when I saw employees put the spilled food back to its original place, just to save up some money. Also, two days ago, I was having a dinner with my friends, and my friend, Chris, found a dead fly in his Coke drink. I think I deserve better service and hygiene offered at the Woodruff dining hall for the amount of money I pay.

Did you have any problems or experiences about hygiene at the dining halls?


  1. I agree. The first few weeks that we were here, it seemed like Woodys was perfect. But now, everything is starting to fall apart. Yesterday I noticed that it was fries laying everywhere around the food that was being served and none of the workers even bothered to clean it up. There was also a little bit of food on the spoon that we had to use to scoop food. Ugh!

  2. I am getting tired of people not cleaning up after themselves. It seems every time I go to the dining hall it is almost difficult to find a table that doesn't have leftovers from someone's mess. Its not just the staff's job to clean the tables, I'm disgusted with student's inability to clean up after themselves.

  3. Sadly, Britain seems to be declining as well. Not so much in hygiene (although it has never been amazing) but more in food quality/choices. Everytime I go one of the lines that is normally open is always closed. Also alot of the time, they are out of food and the staff is just standing around instead of replacing it. Makes me wonder if anyone even works there.

  4. I've never had problems with hygiene at Woodie's... I'm sure if it was that bad, a lot of people would have gotten sick... I don't think the management would take that lightly.

  5. In all my time eating at Brittain i never seen a hygeine problem at brittain. Maybe i am not paying close enough attention, but the staff seemed to be taking hygeine into account, like for instance all the staff seemed to be wearing sanitary gloves

  6. I saw the employees put the spilled food back to its original place too....
    I really don't want to eat there.... but what choice do we have?....

    I thinking of changing my meal plan to 10 per week.... I don't think woodruff is a safe place to eat....

    I'm not even sure if they wash the apples before they place them outside for the students to eat

  7. Honestly I try not to think about it. I use to work at Subway and I would alway get on my coworkers about cleaning up and not doing anything gross. It is really disturbing peoples work ethic around food and how they don't care about how their laziness may cause health risks. But on the flip side you have to realize that people have probably eaten much worse things and that people can't even get clean water in some parts of the world.

  8. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for. The dining halls offer pretty inexpensive all-you-can-eat meals. The inexpensiveness is certainly reflected in the quality and service. But the quantity almost makes up for it.
