Monday, September 28, 2009

A big breakfast is needed Monday's.....

I totally agree with Nicholas' blog post number one breakfast is indeed a vital meal. Which I had just realized today because in my haste to go to class I did not have the time to go eat breakfast. It is also because of this lack of energy that I was nodding off in class. It wasn't until 12 when I have Bio-lab that I stopped dozing off. Even though I stopped dozing off another dilemma appeared my empty stomach felt like it have a tiger in there digging and clawing at my stomach. When my lab ended I thought I could finally feed that tiger in my stomach but alias I still had two more classes to go which was English and Math. But thank the mercy of god that he gave me 5 minutes to buy something to eat and I brought a salad. Even though a don't like salads much every bit of lettuce and tomatoes made me feel like I was in heaven. But it came crashing down on me when class started because I had to put it away so I could focus in the lesson instead of the salad. So I had to endure another two hours with a few bites of salad before I could rush to the dining hall and gobble away. This was a very hard lesson to learn. I am never going to start my day without a meal first.


  1. I've been dozing in most of my lectures. I haven't been eating breakfast, instead allotting that 20 minutes to sleeping in. Maybe I'll try getting up a few minutes earlier to grab some food.

  2. I have never been a breakfast man, so I haven't eaten an actual breakfast for over a month. I hardly ever see a difference in any aspect of my character or well-being whether or not I have breakfast. However, this is probably because I have adapted to not eating breakfast. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I actually get more hungry throughout the day if I have had breakfast that day.

  3. You do get more hungry throughout the day if you eat breakfast. This is because breakfast kick starts your metabolism. Having food in your stomach tells your body that it can start digesting much more rapidly than it does while you sleep. This also means that if you are trying to loose weight you should make sure to eat breakfast, because it gets your metabolism moving much sooner than it would otherwise, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.

  4. I usually don't wake up in enough time to eat breakfast either. But I suggest going to the store and buying some snacks to keep in your room. When I am leaving for class, I usually grab a snack, like apple sauce or maybe a bag of chips, to help me get through the class until I can go to dining hall.

  5. My gym teacher in middle school once told us that he used to actually eat large dinner-type meals (meats, greens, fish, etc.) in the morning and then eat cereal at night. He mentioned that he always had a ton of energy throughout the day and had an easier time maintaining a healthy weight (more calorie intake in the morning rather than the evening). However, he admitted he couldn't continue eating like that because he was always too tired in the morning to make "dinner".
