Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mid-day break

Last week a couple of my friends and I decided to go to Tin Drum for lunch.
I had never gone there before and from what I hear the food there is simply spectacular. I don't think I have heard any bad reviews about it, so I was stoked to go.
We got there around 3:10 for a late lunch. There were a few people eating outside on their tables enjoying their meals. They all seemed content and pleased with the world. Everyone had an air of nirvana about them.
My hand gravitated towards the handle, and I felt a surge of happiness as my brain told my arm muscles to contract. Nothing happened. I tried again. Still nothing.
Puzzled, I push on the door thinking maybe they just didn't care much for fire safety regulations. It didn't even budge.
My friend pointed to the large window/wall next to the door. It said: "Hours of Operation Mon-Fri 11am-9pm. Sat & Sun 12pm-3pm, 5pm-9pm"
What about 3pm-5pm?!?!
We decided amongst ourselves that the restaurant probably just wants two hours to restock. This realization didn't help ease the pain that struck my heart. We ended up having to eat at Moe's.
Every once in a while we would look across the street and see the dreams of some poor ole fellow shattered by the immovable obstacle. It brought tears to our eyes...


  1. I have seen some other restaurants do this as well. It most likely has to do with either switching from the lunch menu to the dinner menu or that the number of customers they would receive during that time does not match the costs of operation. However, if you really need Tin Drum during that time, I believe there is one in Atlantic Station that is open continuously on weekends.

  2. It seems you were very disappointed. So sad...
    I went to Tin Drum with my mentor for dinner 3 weeks ago. It was interesting and even a little bit funny when I ordered. Although I'm from Asia, I still can't understand the menu since the name of every food is strange and unfamiliar to me. I don't know which asia country has this kind of food. So I choosed Pad Thai, the first one on the menu, and fortunatelly it was really delicious and special! You can have a try next time if you want!
    Wish you a wonderful experience at Tin Drum!

  3. Hmm I'm not sure why they are closed at that time. Probably something having to do with what Jake said.

    On a side note, the Tin Drum is amazing. The food is very good, and you get a large amount of food for your money. Cost efficiency is one of the most important aspects of a meal to me and the Tin Drum is great about this.

  4. I had Tin Drum way back when I toured Georgia Tech. My mom and I ate there. It was so good! I also agree with Drew, the portions are large compared to price, which is always such a plus to a dining experince.
