Sunday, September 27, 2009


Whenever i go to publix, there is a certain criteria that the food must meet for me to buy. It must taste good, be relatively cheap, and last. Of all the foods i've seen, nothing fits the bill better than pop tarts. For only about three dollars i can get a pack of 12 pastries, which can easily last a week. Plus they are individually wrapped so you can take your own sweet time eating them, they are not like a bag of chips which you have to eat fast to prevent from going bad. They are also great to take on the go, you can just slip one package into your backpack and you are set. This is very good for me because on Mondays i have lots of classes and do not have lots of time to eat. There are also many different varieties so that you will not get bored eating the same thing over and over again. In addition to all this they are still relatively healthy. Depending on what type you get (I prefer the frosted) they have varying amounts of sugar, but they contain a significant source of many important vitimins and minerals such as vitimin A, Iron, and Vitimin B6. I will go through lots of food while i am in college, but the one food i will make sure i have everytime i go to the store are pop tarts.


  1. I guess Pop Tarts can be grouped in with Ramen noodles as that "essential college survival food". These corporations probably make a lot of big bucks marketing these quick and easy meals... perfect for busy college students.

    Take Georgia Tech for example. Do you see a whole lot of traditional style bakeries, butcheries or farmer's markets. NO. Those would be present in more suburban neighborhoods, where homemakers with more time on their hands would go looking for those kind of stores. Here you see more supermarkets with Pop Tarts and Ramen, take-out eateries and pizza palaces... typical for a college environment

  2. If you have lots of time and an itch to cook a "high end pop tart", I would suggest this recipe:

    Also, I am more of Toaster Strudel person. Pop tarts are too dry for me.

  3. It sounds great! The words you use are really interesting and make me hungry. They look like scripts of the pop-tarts' advertisement.

  4. I am so surprised that I can find pop tart everywhere in the us, however I have never saw any this kind of food in China.
    I checked the wikipedia and its amazing that pop tart has 25 flavors and even some limited editions...
    I strongly recommend someone to build a pop tart factory in will definitely become a billionaire

  5. BuzzBy has pop tarts :)
    I swing by once a day for lunch and get one meal (sandwich, wings, burger, or pasta), a drink, and of course a pop tart.
    They are fun to eat especially after they have been heated up juuuuuust right and the filling oozes out when you break the pop tart in half. I like my of the flavors, although sometimes the ones like chocolate chocolate chocolate oreo chocolate sometimes overdo it with all the chocolate. You know what I mean... Anyway, I love pop tarts too and I am strongly thinking about using my materials engineering degree to build a pop tart factory in China. I definitely support becoming a billionaire.

  6. I have to admit, one of the few things I keep consistently stocked in my dorm is Poptarts. Everything i own basically follows the above guidelines of being individually packed, cheap, and come in large quantities. I'm glad to say that I always keep a large amount of strawberry poptarts at all times!

  7. My main complaint about poptarts is that they are over too fast.

    There *are* indeed healthier versions of pop-tarts, but there's something about the brazen, sugar-laden artifice of the pop-tart that tantalizes the taste-buds beyond all compare!

  8. I agree with Dr.Tiff, I take one bite and its gone ㅡㅡ;;
    But I love how convenient they are..
    When I don't have time to eat breakfast and I have to run to class
    I can always carry a poptart with me XD
