Nestle Meals Cookbook (text)
This cookbook was very well organized and written in short concise steps which seemed easy to follow. The user must be familiar with basic cooking terms such as boil, skillet, etc. Every recipe was targeted towards users of Nestle products which seemed to be mainly healthy, family-oriented cooks. The most evident theme was that users had to be purchasers of Nestle goods. Each recipe had one ingredient which was specific to the brand name. The recipes were organized into six categories: In Season, Most Popular, Healthier Living, 30 min or less, Just for Kids, and What’s New. The book also provided cooking tips and photographs with each recipe. The color theme was used throughout as a unifying element.

iChef (online cookbook)
This cookbook was not as pleasing as the others. It was written very informally and in miniscule print. The instructions were given in paragraph format which made following the steps of the recipe difficult. There was an overwhelming amount of information on each page and some of the advertisements are irrelevant. The site attempted to be organized; however, there are too many menus which cause the site to seem cluttered and distracting. I was immediately turned away from this site by the overwhelming amount of information.
Yes, do think about mistakes you *don't* want to make in your own cookbook, digital or otherwise.