Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Woodruff Closure...

Since we just sat through a class in which we were informed that blog posts count much more than blog comments, I have decided to try my hand at posting.

Sunday evening, after spending a weekend back at home, I arrived back on campus and realized that I was quite hungry. I live on West Campus, and so my default dining hall is Woodruff. The food there is certainly not bad, albeit not especially good either. As I walked up to the dining hall I was slightly put off by the lack of the usual crowd milling around. I simply assumed that this was due to the fact that it was Sunday and so not as many people were on campus as normal. This assumption proved to be very wrong. The dining hall was closed!! "How on earth can they possibly close a dining hall" I thought. So many students depend on the dining hall for their daily meals, it seems ridiculous to up and close it for maintenance. As I walked forlornly back to my dorm I contemplated making the trip all the way over to Britain, but I decided against it seeing as how it would most likely be absurdly crowded. Luckily, some of my friends informed me of their plan to head over to Fire House Subs for dinner instead, and I gladly accepted their invitation to join them. On our walk to dinner, we contemplated the fact that this dining hall closure must be a very lucrative opportunity for the surrounding food businesses. Sure enough, when we arrived at Fire House it was packed. The food was certainly good, and well worth the crowd, but the irritation with having to go in the first place detracted from the enjoyment.

Overall, I would say that while closing the dining hall may have been necessary, it was very poorly executed. Some sort of warning should have been issued to the students to prepare us for finding alternative sources of food.


  1. I have to agree they should have informed us with the closure way earlier so we can find alternative food source. Luckily I knew where the Chinese restaurant was.

    Btw, Britain's not really that bad. I tried the east dinning hall today and it was pretty ok-ish! I liked the fact they had enough apples and peaches for everyone.. The woodruff dinning hall lacks apples

  2. I have nothing inherently against Britain, I am just never over there. And I figured on Sunday that it would be ridiculously crowded since Woodruff was closed and I'm not much of one for crowded places

  3. Oh I just started blabbing on about Britain cause your post reminded me of it :D

  4. I totally agree! I was starving on Sunday and when I walked up to the door I was shocked to see that they were closed. They definitely should start sending us emails or some type of warning letting us know that they will be closing. If I did not have any money to go get anything to eat then I would have been screwed so they definitely should make better decisions next time.

  5. It's Brittain folks, not Britain. We at Georgia Tech do not owe allegiance to Her Majesty any more (though this *is* an English class), and you're insulting the memory of Tech's 4th president by doing so.

    I don't mean to be rude guys, but as a wise woman once said: "We do have standards here"

  6. I find it odd that there would not be an email sent out about the closing of the hall. Do they thingk that everyone gets onto the gtdining site before every meal to check if it is open or not? Perhaps gtdining should send out emails regarding closures and meal offerings for the week every week?

  7. If we are going to get technical, sir, it would be:

    "It's Brittain, folks, not Britain."

  8. Speaking of Britain...they do really have terrible food. I studied abroad for my junior year of college at Oxford, and the dining hall there made the dining halls here seem like gourmet 5-star restaurants.

    Young Dr. Tiff (asking server about mysterious meaty looking dish): What's that?

    Server: Meat!

    Young Dr. Tiff (pointing to another mysterious meaty looking dish): What's that?

    Server: Also meat!

    Even though they supposedly speak the "Queen's English" over there, one certainly wouldn't be able to tell from such enlightening exchanges.

  9. Oh that night was so depressing for me! So instead my friends and I decided to order Wingnuts. After we ordered 3 Combo 3's ( which is 6 pounds of chicken, 3 large fries, and 12 sodas = $60) we waited for approximately a hour. Longer than the normal wait we pondered why it took forever. So my friend and I, once they arrived, went downstairs to pick it up. The poor guy's van was stuffed to the brim with bags of food. Apparently, there were only four drivers that night and more than 300 orders of wingnuts all to the west side of campus!
    Seeing the guy's disgruntled face still makes me laugh, and pity the poor soul.

  10. The Woodruff closing affected the usual Brittain patrons as well. I remember going to eat dinner but being confronted with a line going out the door and not an empty seat in site. If I remember correctly, Tech was also giving tours on that day so there were some high schoolers at the dining hall that night as well. It was the most crowded I have ever seen Brittain.
