Thursday, September 24, 2009

Borrow Books For Free?

I don't know if anyone has seen this group, but there is a group of girls who have set up camp outside of Georgia Tech Square who are loaning out books for free about religion. The first time I passed them the only thing I saw was the sign that said 'Free books to borrow'. I thought , "Wow those people are really nice to let people borrow their books!" Later on that week I decided to stop and see what this whole setup was all about. I quickly learned that they were loaning books on religion and supporting a local church. I was genuinely impressed. As a Catholic I understand the concept of going out and spreading the word of God, but I had never seen anyone giving out free books. I thought that this idea was quite unique because it provides a chance for people to actually learn about something they have been hounded about many time before. I was so impressed that I took a book and read it. I must say that I am quite impressed with both the book and the idea. I know this doesn't directly relate to food , but I thought that it was related to English. What do you guys think about this?


  1. I see this group several times a week, sometimes at Skiles and sometimes on my way to/from Tech Square.
    The first time I saw them, I thought they were loaning out textbooks so I went to see if the sign was for real. When I noticed that it was a Christian group, I was somewhat put off to be honest. I am Christian myself, but I find that there is way too much "Christian publicity" on this campus. I see how it could offend people of other backgrounds, who may feel like they are left out in a sense.
    Either way, I always feel really bad about turning down the flyers they are so willing to give out. Hopefully lightning doesn't come strike me down someday for that.

  2. The whole idea of lending out books and expecting people to bring them back seems kind of odd to me. I don't have too much faith that people will actually bring them back.

    As a side note, I hate the number of flyers I find shoved at me. It is really frustrating to be bombarded by flyers every time I walk down skiles to get to class.

  3. I think that it was thoughtful of them to allow people to "borrow" their books, but like Elizabeth said, I doubt if people will actually bring them back. I also believe that they shouldn't force people to take a flyer. I am sure if someone is interested, they will walk to the table and find out more information.

  4. i've seen them. :] i was also impressed. though i am an aetheist, i respect other people's religions and i appreciate the fact that they aren't attempting to push their religion upon people. books are a much better way to try to let other people understand their opinions

  5. I think it is a really good idea that they are doing this because some freshmen are probably devout christians, and are looking for a way to get involved here. I think books are a great way to spread their word around because it ensures only the people who want to have a part of it will.
