Saturday, September 26, 2009

Effects of Weather!

At the Georgia tech-UNC game today,while fans were all pumped up about the game,standing on metal benches,screaming their lungs out,little did they notice,the vendors,trying to nudge their way through,carrying armloads,of blue and pink,enticing cotton candy,carried in gigantic plastic bags,that mainly caught the eyes of children who half understood the game, they ALSO marketed plastic bottles of cold water or coke from portable,plastic reservoirs ,which did not seem too attract too many people.Why do you think that is?I guess it was the storm today that was the main culprit(I got completely drenched though,and loved it). I guess weather DOES affect the kind of food and drink that you choose to have and stormy weather isn't the best time for a cold bottle of soda.IS IT?

In hot,sultry weather,it is only normal to demand a bottle of freezing cold water to quench your thirst(even a drop of it),which might seem like heaven at that point of time.But would the same be applicable on a cold,rainy day when thunder and lightening have no limits?well I would prefer some warm,tepid,or hot beverage like hot chocolate or hot coffee.Who among you would like to eat a frozen popsicle on a cold, snowy night in Connecticut?Would'nt you rather have that ,camping possibly in the Arizona desert(lol)?Would u possibly have an iced glass of juice,basking in the California sun or freezing in the woods of North Dakota?I guess we all know what the answers to the above choices are.Well we could relate the argument to some psychological force that makes us feel that way.The desire for a particular food item or beverage varies with weather.Well enough being said I guess I'm heading to Starbucks now,to rage this rainy weather with some hot coffee and cookies.see ya


  1. I'm sure the price has something to do with it as well. stadium food is notoriously expensive, and im sure few people would spend 4 dollars on water unless it was really, really hot outside.

  2. The vendors who roam the stands don't really sell that much to begin with. It is so expensive though that the vendors don't need to sell many to make a profit.
