Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why I liked the book.

The book Garlic and Sapphires appealed to me because I was born in New York City. Ruth portrayed New York City as the center of many things like it being "the center of the American restaurant world". There is also this hint of excitement from her husband Micheal in moving to New York as if it is the best place to be or at least better than the dangerous city of L.A. Which reinforces the greatness of New York City and of course this amused me a lot since I am from New York City because I did not think New York City was such a great place. Furthermore the book reminded me of how New York City looked like by painting images of New York City when she described her trip to the Korean restaurant from Times Square through forty-second Street and into thirty-second street. These were some of the many places that I hanged out in during my time in New York City especially thirty-second street the Korean food there are indeed excellent. Besides the setting being in New York City there are other elements that appealed to me. I liked her humor in book and the way she goes around doing her job as a restaurant critic but I think the best part of the book is that I might go to some of these restaurants when i go back to New York City.


  1. Part of the appeal that Garlic and Sapphires offers to me is that it shares the experience in being in some of the classiest restaurants in New York. I haven't been to many extremely fancy/expensive restaurants before so I it interesting to be able read about that sort of experience.

  2. I like this book a lot more than Bittersweet and find it a lot easier to pick up and read.
    Although there are several different reasons for this (I guess I just had something against Bittersweet), I think one of the main points is that it goes in chronological order. There is something about jumping around the space-time continuum with flashbacks here and there and subplots with substories that bothers me. I like straightforward books that tell me exactly what is going on and when it is going on.
    Although I don't enjoy reading that much, I must say this book is fun and a pleasure to read.

  3. Wow, that is cool, I wish I could have chance to go some of the restaurants introduced in this book in NYC too... I like how this book is so easy to read, like it's your friend telling you a interesting story about a life that you do not know much. Which bring you more into the story, impresses and amases you. Yea, I actually agree with George that it is easier to pick up and read than bitter sweet, even I liked that book a lot too.

  4. I agree with George. I do like this book more than Bittersweet. Bittersweet's tone seems to be a bit depressing, and it can confuse people with the chronological order. Garlic and Sapphires has joyful tone which makes me enthusiastic about the book and it doesn't confuse me as much.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow, yeah that is so cool. When a book comes to life it is so amazing. That is great that you can really connect with those places and the book.

    I love so many things about foods, including the taste, texture, smell, experience, and history. I love how she brings the food and experince to you, she makes it seem real. It also helps to read the book while hungry. :) I think one of my favorite parts of the book, while thinking about this aspect, was the traditional sushi bar.

    This book is definitely a faster, easier read that Bittersweet. I found it to get slightly boring about 2/3 of the way through, but then it reeled me back in when she started having her inner conflicts.
