Saturday, September 26, 2009

Go Green (jello and snake bile)

Hey guys, here, I am not talking about the program going on in GT, instead, I am talking about food.

What does green mean in the food area?

In China, people consider that the darker the green of the vegitable is, the more nutrition the vegitable contains, the better for you to eat it. Also, there is a kind of "nasty" odd Chinese green drink: the bile of the snake... NASTY, right, but a lot of people say that they are good for you in a lot of ways: good for your skin, make you stronger, even make your life longer... (I really doubt that tho....) And tell the truth, I tried it before, it was soooooo bitter that I nearly puked, seriously felt like it was pulling my stomuch out of me... ugh,....

And last week in woody, I saw something just really reminded me of this nasty thing...
Yeah, here it is. It is a cup of GREEN JELLO... I have been in United States for nearly 2 years and have never seen any green jello for some reason, or at least it was never this green that just looks like a cup of solidificated snake bile!!!!!! (It also reminded me of the poison that the mean queen gave to sleepy beauty or snow white or whoever...haha)

I actually eventually ate it, it was ok, at least far better than the thing it reminded me...
By the way.....Dare anybody try the real snake bile if he/she has a chance?


  1. I really think that anyone trying to prepare snake bile would get into loads of trouble with the law... people here would assume that its a poison drink. You just made me lose my appetite. Thanks a lot, Zee.

  2. I must say that your post is quite interesting. But I must say that Green is my favorite Jello flavor. Especially the pudding type.

  3. The first time I tried the bile of snake mixed with alcohol was about 10 years ago in a gorgeous restaurant in China. Before I ate that, I asked my parents what it was, but they were just smile and said: 'You can have a try'. I did so. It was disgusting!!!
    I never believe that snake bile is good for health. It's rediculous!

  4. haha sry hason and its leagal in china tho
    kevin, ,, green jello, good 4 u as long as it does not remind you of....
    qiqin: i no!!!!!!!!!1
