Cookbook #1
The first book I decided to review was Breads (The Good Cook Techniques & Recipes

Series) by the editors of LIFE-Time Magazine along with photography by Tom Belshaw. My first impression of the book that was the effective use of pictures to display the techniques of cooking and the final products of the recipes would have extremely helped a beginner good in the kitchen. There were dozens of pictures of all kinds of breads (with a mini-encyclopedia of the different types of breads) that would help guide someone through the recipe. However, the second half of the book doesn’t have the abundance of pictures that the first one has. The theme of the cookbook is definitely presented effectively, as every recipe utilizes bread.

The ethos of the book is established through the sources of recipes and the authors/editors of the book. The book is a compilation put together by the TIME-LIFE people, which are very reputable magazines. The intended audience is anyone who is interested in using in livening up their bread recipe repertoire. Lastly, the book is very well organized.
Cookbook #2
The second book I chose to review was titled The Encyclopedia of Fish Cookery

written by AJ McClane. The book is essentially an encyclopedia and cookbook rolled into one. The book is ordered alphabetically by fish name. The entries for each fish include pictures, descriptions, interesting facts, and recipes using those fish. The intended audience most likely includes anyone who needs to know anything about fish. The cookbook establishes its authority through its massiveness. The book is huge. With so much information, the author must of have done a ton of work. In terms of the recipes in the book, there is at least one for almost every fish.

Most of the recipes have accompanying colorful 1970s-era pictures. The theme is presented consistently and with flair. The recipes themselves are semi-repetitive, mostly because they all are very similar but with different fish. A good thing about the book is that it teaches the reader proper ways to cook fish and tips on how to avoid mercury poison.
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