Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Interesting Food Myths

Its been a while since a last posted a blog post, excluding the revised essay. Guess life had gotten way more busier than before. Anyways I wanted to post some interesting myths related to food and how some of them are not true.

First Myth: One would gain more weight when they eat at night.
Its really matter of how much you burn after you eat. The amount of calories that is gained through the consumption would be the same. Its just that people tend to go to bed without burning enough calories.
Second Myth: Fat free means calorie free
Products with labels saying its fat-free contains the same amount of calories as the the regular version or sometimes even have more calories than the original version.

Third Myth: Exercise causes one to eat more
Research showed that people who have exercised and those who didn't ate the same amount of food. The only difference between them was that the people who have exercised had a better appetite.

Fourth Myth: Your most likely to get food poisoning from fish

FDA showed that you are more likely to get food poisoning from chicken than fish.

These are just few I thought which were interesting. There are more interesting food facts like how gum lasts 7 years in your stomach or how ice cream is really from China.

These are the sites I used...


  1. I'm confused about the reasoning concerning the third myth. What does having a "better appetite" mean if it doesn't mean eating more?

  2. That was very interesting. Does this mean that exercise has a larger effect on one's health and weight than eating habits?

  3. I heard the third myth alot from my parents as my brother always said that if they exercised, diets wouldn't be necessary.

    Interesting myths :3 didn't think chicken had a higher chance of poisoning.

    When you meant "better appetite," did you mean the person has a bigger desire to eat or something else?

  4. Ahem! Ice-cream is NOT from China! Now THAT is a popular myth.

    In its earliest forms, ice cream originated in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) about 4000 years ago. Of course these were different than the ice creams we are familiar with. Over the course of the centuries, many civilizations came up with different forms of ice-cream, including the Romans, Chinese, Persians, Indians and especially Arabs (who were the first to use milk in ice cream concoctions). True ice cream originated in England in the 17th century.

  5. btw, wontaek:

    I EXHORT you to properly review your posts before publishing - they still contain way too many grammatical errors.

    But then again, these are casual posts and you're not graded for quality, so who gives a damn?

  6. myth one: so if you don't burn calories at night while sleeping, then you are in fact gaining more weight no?

    myth three: sounds like exercising does in fact cause you to eat more...

    BTW the fact that gum lasts 7 years in your stomach is yet another myth. It will pass right through your digestive system just like everything else in your body. Your enzymes won't be able to break it down, but it will certainly come out and not sit around for 7 years.

  7. Better appetite as in not eating more but enjoy eating. Yes, this might lead to people eating more but the website says "Fact: However, research has shown that after 20 minutes of exercise people ate no more than those who had done nothing. The only difference was that those who had exercised thought the food tasted better." Not sure how credible this research was :S but this is what they said. Maybe if one does more exercise than 20min one might eat more?

    Drew yeah thats what most people do, sleep after eating.. but I guess they are trying to say that one should not eat less during the night but eat normally and exercise to burn the calories to prevent gaining weight.

    Hasan you said the "True ice cream originated in England" I think England got something from Italy..because ...."When the famous explorer Marco Polo returned to his homeland of Italy, from China in 1295, he brought back a recipe (among other things). The recipe, was a Chinese recipe for a desert called "Milk Ice." However, Europeans substituted cream for the milk, and voila..."Ice Cream." Ice cream has been a hit ever since! " But I guess this is called a myth because most people would think ice cream was invented by the western world, probably because most of the famous ice cream brand is from the western world

    I really don't have evidences that these facts are true. But, the purpose of this blog post was more into attracting people's attention and just go over some interesting these so called mythes :D

    Sorry Hasan, as you can see this blog post was posted at 2:49 am when my mind was foggy.

  8. Well, actually I'm always disorganized

  9. Drew's point on myth number one is very valid. While food doesn't contain more calories depending on when you eat it, the number of calories you burn after consumption does. If you eat around 7, you have much more time to be active and burn calories before you sleep than you would if you ate around 10. So basically, eating later does cause you to gain weight because you burn off less calories.

  10. Myth #1 might be true but how often do you see people exercising or burning calories when its really late at night? I know that sometimes I have midnight snacks and then I go to sleep so I know that I am not burning off any calories.

  11. This is a practical article! hahaha. I didn't the facts for the third and fourth myths. But for fourth myths, it depends on how you cook, and how fresh the food is. If you compare raw fish with well-cooked chicken, you will most likely to get food poisoning from raw fish.

  12. Reading this, I just wanted to mention the fact that you burn more calories while youre sleeping than when you are watching tv. Not really a relevant-to-the-conversation comment, but an interesting tie-in to myth #1.

  13. I don't necessarily agree with myth 3, at least from my own personal experience. When i ever seem to excercise intensely i am also starving after, especially if i went swimming

  14. This isn't really a myth but more of an unknown fact: when something advertises as being "trans-fat free", that just means it has less than .499 grams. So be careful when gobbling trans-fat free foods because they might not be completely trans-fat free.
