Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ruth Reichl Undercover at Gourmet

This should be quite interesting, since Ruth Reichl discusses her attempts at going undercover in "Garlic & Sapphires" in considerable detail. Here, she is forced by the staff at Gourmet magazine (where she currently works) to review restaurants in disguises yet again.

Again, this is Hasan at your service - helping you sort internet treasure from internet junk.


  1. I dont know what to think. Is that real, or is it internet junk? If its real, it completely changes my opinion of Ruth, because I never expected her to look like that, though the woman does seem to look like Garlic & Sapphires' description of her. An interesting find, Hasan.

  2. Thanks, buddy... and that's definitely Ruth Reichl: search Google images and you'll see her.

  3. It is nice to see that Ruth and the rest of Gourmet staff don't take each other too seriously, which is quite contrary to what seems to happen with most of the staff at the New York Times (especially after reading the chapter involving the banquet).
