Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pumpkin Season!

Everyone has a favorite holiday food season.

Some like the candy canes and hot chocolate of Christmas.
Others indulge themselves in the rich, creamy, chocolate season of Valentine's Day.
Still others love the good-ole American barbecues of Labor Day and the Fourth of July.
For me, it's all about Halloween.

Most people associate Halloween with candy. Every child dresses up, goes around ringing doorbells, and comes back with bags and bags of candy. As an adult, it's practically a state of emergency, and you have to flock to the nearest Walmart to stock up on candies before they run out... it seems like a natural disaster is coming. M&Ms, Jolly Ranchers, and Milky Ways come up with new slogans and catchy wrappers as they come from every corner of the street. It seems that you just can't escape the candy mania that sweeps across the US.

I can.

To me, Halloween means pumpkins. No, not jack-o-lanterns, but pumpkins. Pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin bread. Now, it's not even October yet, so it may be a bit early to start celebrating. I just had my first pumpkin bread of the season, however, so I'm really excited over what is about to come. I can't wait for all the pumpkin foods to come. I hope the dining halls do something to get into the holiday spirit!

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