Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brittain vs. Woodruff

There seems to be a lot of debate going on about Brittain vs. Woodruff, so I figure that a post on this topic will give everyone ample room for discussion. Personally, I live on West campus, and so I eat at Woodruff everyday. Monday morning however, I was coming back from being off campus all weekend and I found myself on East campus at 9 in the morning and very hungry for breakfast. I decided to stop by Brittain before class and I discovered that the seem to have better breakfast! The basic food is pretty much the same, but Brittain has a better array of fruit and other things like cottage cheese where Woodruff does not. I did notice that Brittain's food serving area is much smaller, and so I can imagine that it gets very crowded around dinner time. What are your opinions on where to eat for a certain meal?


  1. I still have never been to Woodruff (I really must eat there sometime) but this debate has been going on for some time.

    First off I'd like to clear some common misconceptions:

    1. Both of the restuarants serve the same exact food. If you check the GT site and look at the dining schedules, both of the dining halls are serving the same things on the same day.

    2. Britain food is not bad. What makes people complain about Britain is the long lines, and the service. Sometimes the wait for food is ridiculously long.

    With that being said, I think this can be simply explained from 2 points of view (That of the Britain diners, and that of the Woodruff diners)

    From a Britain point of view, the notion that Woodruff is better is simply a "the grass is always greener on the other side" matter. Because we hear that the food is better and we are frustrated with our service, we are quick to accept that the "other side" is the better of the two dining halls.

    From a Woodruff point of view, it is a matter of pride. You guys hear that your food is better and you believe it to be true because you WANT it to be true. However, if you come to Britain you will find that its really not all that different.

    In closing, they both serve similar food. However, I do believe that Britain has poorer service than Woodruff and they constanly run out of food when they get slammed. This may be in part because there are more people on East campus, and also because Britain does not limit the amount of food you can have. I have heard numerous accounts that Woodruff will only let you get 1 plate of food at a time with 1 entree on it. You can always go back, but only 1 at a time. At Britain they do not care and I have sometimes gotten 3 plates of food at once. This will certainly cause food to run out at a much more rapid rate.

  2. I didn't mean to imply that they served completely different food, but I do know that there are little differences that can really make a meal more enjoyable in my opinion. For instance, I really like grapes and I have no been able to find them at Woodruff very often, but when I went to Brittain one morning for breakfast they had them.

  3. I live on West Campus too so I went for a few weeks never even walking past Britain. I had heard horror stories about the food so I stuck to the satisfactory food I had become acquainted with. I finally decided to give Britain a shot and dined there about a week ago. It is definitely not as bad as everyone made it out to be. I am a VERY picky eater and I found the salad buffet and the sandwich buffet to be much more user friendly. At Woodruff, each diner is limited to two slices of lunch meat. I honestly feel like a prisoner sometimes because what if I want more protein than that? The fact that tofu is a part of the salad buffet at Britain makes me a very happy customer. The service at Britain has always been very good. There are times I feel like a burden to the servers at Woodruff. I guess it is a matter of trading comfort for variety in this case. I actually prefer eating at Britain every now and then just to spice up my life with a change in environment.

  4. Elizabeth said pretty much everything I would have said.....When I usually eat, woodruff doesn't seem to have a lot of choices... we get salad, main dishes, pasta, and pizza.....

    Brittain seemed to have everything woodruff had plus the chicken wrap, and nachos (maybe it was jst the day i ate there lol)

    Anyways they had more fruits which gives + points for brittain.....I'm so tried of apples..........

    Oh and I ate at 5pm and they weren't that many people... XD I guess I eat at weird times

  5. I was always under the impression that woodruff served better food. I've only eaten at woodruff a couple of times, but i remember that they served salmon on one occasion and enchiladas on another, both of which were very good. However since it appears that both serve the same food, i guess i've just been going to woodruff on lucky days.

  6. While the cooking crews at the different dining halls are static, I would say the food tastes almost exactly the same (from my experience). I agree with Drew in that the different 'reviews' on the dining halls most likely stem from psychological thinking rather than different food.
