Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hey, guys I just found this awesome video and thought I would share it with you guys. I know this isn't related to food. Unless you eat birds of course. Its not strange for people to eat birds if that is what cross your mind. Since there are those that eat insects, snakes, octopus, and what not. There are those that have had birds before. And before you go saying that I just made this up in the spur of the moment, I have eaten birds and they are quite good too.


  1. No offense, but I don't think this is related to food topic at all, and this video is not related to eating birds either.

  2. lol, that is very true, but this is one of the coolest youtube videos I have seen in a while! XD How did they estimate 300,000 birds also?

  3. This is probably a survival mechanism for a flock of birds in high winds/stormy conditions. They bunch up together and protect each other. While it does look very unusual, its not uncommon... that's all I can make of it.

    As for eating birds... eating birds is perfectly normal: I have consumed chicken, turkey and pigeon meat in my life. All of those are birds.

  4. Chicken, turkey, and duck are all birds that I have eaten that are quite common actually.
    I have had pigeon and quail before. And although the video may not be related to food, it opened up to a food conversation, so I think it's acceptable :)

  5. Very interesting video. Even though it is off topic, it is quite interesting. It is quite commical though, because the birds don't seem to be going anywhere and if you think about it that must require some major cordination from all of the birds
