Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

This Thanksgiving I went back to Johns Creek to spend time with my friends and my family. My mother had just recently returned from a business trip in China, so needless to say I was very happy to see her.

For Thanksgiving dinner we went to my best friend's house to eat with 3 other families. It was the most un-traditional Thanksgiving dinner I've ever had.

There were no mashed potatoes, no stuffing, and no gravy. Instead, these dishes were replaced by Chinese dishes; though equally delicious, it was strange to be eating food I used to eat every day on Thanksgiving.

Dessert was especially delicious though. There was pecan pie and a Chinese dessert. The Chinese dessert was a soft white gelatinous substance that was very easy to swallow. It was seeped in a tangy, fizzy drink that made me want to keep eating more and more. The pecan pie was also delicious.

All in all, I'd say my Thanksgiving was very good simply because I got to see my friends and family again. I do not care about what food I ate; instead, I care about the people I spend my time with.

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