Friday, November 27, 2009

My First Thanksgiving Experience

Well all of you must be home for thanksgiving,but there are some of us international students who cannot travel the distance for the holidays.Well here i am,going to tell you about my first thanksgiving experience ever, an amazing day and the food i had during thanksgiving even though i had to stay in Georgia Tech for the holidays.

On Tuesday night my high school friend from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh flew down to Atlanta for the Thanksgiving break,to spend the break in Tech.Georgia Tech was practically deserted by Wednesday,so my other high school /Tech friend and I decided to show him around the city and give him a taste of the food in Atlanta (obviously a much bigger city than small town Pittsburgh,PA).After sampling all the flavors of coke in the World of Coca Cola,we ate in the Johnny Rockets burger joint,where he had chili fries,i had regular fries and my other friend had a regular cheese burger.We then headed through Centennial Olympic Park to the CNN center where we all had ice cream floats and hung out at the food court while we bought sodas from Arby's.We topped off the day by heading to Atlantic station for dinner.We decided to eat at California Pizza Kitchen.I had a White Pizza (contains spinach and Parmesan cheese) while my other friends had pizzas with 4 different mushroom toppings which were supposed to be absolutely delicious.We finally wen't to the movie theater where we had a small popcorn and soda each while watching 2012 and Ninja Assassin.

On Thursday as you know,all restaurants in Atlanta were closed.We headed to Atlantic Station to catch the show of 'Dead Bodies' and eat at a famous Mexican restaurant 'Rosa Mexicano' there.But Atlanta resembled a ghost town on thanksgiving day.We didn't get to do either since both were closed by the time we arrived there.We headed to The Georgia Aquarium,next on the list(practically the only place open for Thanksgiving) where we ate carrot sticks and mayo in the cafe along with double chocolate chip cookies and subway sandwiches.After seeing the variety of crabs,fish,sharks,turtles,otters and other sea creatures in the world's largest aquarium,we decided to head back to Georgia Tech by MARTA.
While walking back home from the MARTA station we found a small fast food joint called 'Goodfellas' (Our last option on the freezing cold day) where most people who didn't have family or whose family was away for the occasion celebrated the evening with a nice thanksgiving dinner(in our case without the traditional turkey,i'm vegetarian:-D).We cozily sat in one of the benches.I ordered a cheese Calzone while my friend ordered a pizza with pineapple toppings.We enjoyed our food,talking to other people in the restaurant who were also away from their family during the holidays and also to the waitress who was working extra hours during the holiday.We finished our food and left,contented with the day.
My friend left the next day for Chicago,to spend the rest of the break.Now i heave a sigh of relief since the restaurants are back open today and eagerly await the Georgia Tech-UGA game.


  1. It's too bad that you couldn't make it home for the holiday, but sounds like you had a pretty good time nonetheless. I have walked by Goodfella's several times and wondered about the quality and price of their food. I guess I will probably try it the next chance that I get. Only two weeks until you get to go home for the winter break!

  2. Yeah i'm glad that you managed to have a good time. Although it sounds like you didn't experience any tradtional thanksgiving food. Even if you don't eat turkey, there is alot of cool things you can try.

  3. It is quite amazing how many places close on thanksgiving. I remember seeing on the dining hall walls that they were going to be closed on thanksgiving, and that is not right because where else are people going to get food on thanksgiving ?!

  4. Gotta suck to be stuck on campus during break especially when the dining halls are closed. :( Makes me wonder how people will get by on that day of all days where you should be stuffing your face.

    Regardless of that one disadvantage though, you sure had a blast Aakash. I'm quite jealous about getting to go to World of Coke AND the Aquarium within two days. o_o
