Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving is one of the most foundational and meaningful holidays of America. Some may take it as a time to gorge oneself, which is probably wrong if done so, but I see it as a time to enjoy family and friends and a binding meal as well as a special time of thanksgiving to our loved ones, our forefathers, our military, God, and anyone else. I almost stayed at Tech so I could see the UGA game, but decided seeing my family again and having a good time with them was more important. We had a good meal of the usual Thanksgiving foods with some spin on them by my mother, she is a good cook :). The food brought us together and brought memories of the past and thoughts of the future. My loneliness was cured and I felt ready to go back and tackle my final exams afterward. It was a great break, I was definitely refreshed and spent some good time with some close friends on Friday. Saturday, however, was a little disappointing. I woke up congested, including my ear(my eardrum ruptured today). I ended up lazing about Saturday, but had a good day Sunday. I am still fighting it and hopefully it will be gone by the time exams come around. Overall, I had a good break and fellowship over food. Food is an amazing thing that binds so many people and cultures together. I think it is partially because it is essential to life, but it also a great social activity, it is something all people understand.

1 comment:

  1. Food is always great between family and friends.

    As for the cold, I hope you get well soon or else D: darn we'll have trouble with the final presentation tomorrow!
