Monday, November 9, 2009

An Interesting Read I Think I See

Sadly I don't think the act of eating will be this small blog post's content but the book we are assigned to read by Wednesday (the first 58 pages) is about food, so perhaps this will work?

I've only finished reading the introduction and I can already see alot of techniques used to prove the author's point. To prevent myself from spoiling anything, I'll just say that perhaps it may be wise to keep track of his points as well as his techniques (okay that sounded like an obvious one, sorry to be a Captain Obvious). Within only 15-18 pages though, he has pretty much succeeded in convincing me that he has brought an excellent point.

In addition to recommendations, perhaps also make sure you have your own stance about food first? I kind of wish I had although the book's title itself hints that there will be alot of arguments made.

Nonetheless, if you like to argue points or go against scientific research (with "good" reasoning), then In Defense of Food will be a good read for you. :)


  1. Yeah he certainly draws out many good points. However I feel like he does seem to blow things out of proportion at times. I guess if you are writing a book about something like this its almost inevitable to do that.

  2. I personally like his organization and argument style. I think he backs his points with good scientific evidence (which is somewhat ironic since he is arguing against science). Although I think sometimes he jumps to conclusions regarding certain published studies instead of just directly quoting what the researchers concluded.
