Monday, November 30, 2009


I went back home to Florida for Thanksgiving. We had the typical American layout of food; turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, etc. We did have a smaller turnout that usual, though; it was just my family, my grandparents, and my neighbors. Usually my whole extended family gets involved. Friday I got a chance to see some old friends I didn't back in fall break. So altogether, I had a pretty good break.

Saturday night was a disappointment, though.


  1. How is the weather in Florida around this time and Christmas? Is it weird not having a cold Christmas?

  2. What happened on Saturday?.. Was it cause of HW?

  3. If this was facebook, i'd probably write "dislike" at the saturday night comment. I was sorely disappointed as well. Glad to hear your break went well though!

  4. Saturday night was a disappointment, though. Saturday night was a disappointment, though. Saturday night was a disappointment, though. Saturday night was a disappointment, though. Saturday night was a disappointment, though. Saturday night was a disappointment, though.

    Sorry, it is sooo true...

    And I wish I could have went to Florida for Thanksgiving... Indiana was soooooo cold....

    Same kind of food I had in IN but different weather... :(
