Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is why you're fat.

"This is why you're fat" is an interesting blog I stumbled upon. It features pictures and descriptions of insanely unhealthy and typically gross looking dishes from restaurants and home kitchens.

One of my favorites is called the Widowmaker:


  1. oh my gosh....that would take me 3 days to eat hahahaha. i love that it's called the widowmaker

  2. An aptly named meal for sure haha. You certainly would die if you ate that in one sitting

  3. OMG. One bite of that looks like it could clog an artery! This is why our country has the highest obesity rate. This makes me understand was In the Defense of Food has been going on about, in that we eat way too many processed foods

  4. wow. that does not look good. If i were to do something that would take five years off my life, it wouldnt be eating that.

  5. Actually I think it might taste good, but that is ridiculous. I really don't see the need for such excess and that is definitely part of the problem with obesity, not mention that much of what we eat in excess is processed.
