Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Michael Pollan on The Hour

Well, it seems that Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food" has become quite popular. Pollan has been discussing the themes and arguments in his book in a number of TV shows. Here is a clip from the Canadian show "The Hour" telecast on CBC a couple of months ago.

So I guess the book breaks down into seven words: "Eat Food. Not Too much. Mostly plants." I like some of the techniques he discusses, like walking around the perimeter of a grocery store in order to find the least processed food, and how margarine is sort of a "bellweather" product that changes and reflects popular beliefs and scientific findings. It's funny how eating trends can be judged through these weird little tests.

Again, this is Hasan at your service... helping you sort out internet trash from internet treasure.


  1. Thanks for posting stuff like this. I really enjoy being able to see and hear what an author is actually like in real life. When all we know about them is the words they've written, it can sometimes be harder to understand what they write. Its nice to have a face and a voice to go with what i'm reading and it helps me to visualize it better.

  2. I gotta say, I might like the book a little bit more now that I've seen a video on him. The book still makes me bored and tired, but maybe I can get a little bit more into this book now. Thanks for posting this!

  3. I was familiar with Michael Pollan before we started reading his book because I remembered him from an interview on one of my favorite shows, The Colbert Report. I think this interview shows some of his lighter side.

  4. Wow, thanks for posting that, it was really cool. I enjoy seeing and hearing the authors of books, it definitely makes it more personal or readable. I also like the Colbert Report video, very nice. I really enjoy this book and its purpose and ideas. I have been aware of how processed and unhealthy our food is and the western diet, but he definitely sheds more light on it.

  5. He looks much older than I imagined him being. After observing this video, I noticed that he emits a sense of great confidence in what he is writing about. I think that this is a great quality that is also apparent in his book. On the other hand, I could see some people seeing him as a little bit of a radical or nutty.
