Sunday, November 15, 2009

Harms of Drugs

Being in college, we are all in a situation where alcohol and drugs are a lot more readily available than what most of us are used to, especially living in the heart of a big city like Atlanta.
Everyone knows the harms of drugs, so that is why the majority of us will never really go near them. Most people, however, don't really know the harmful effects that alcohol can have on you. Although there are many experiments that have shown the benefits of a bit of red wine here and there, it is hard to compare the effects that alcohol abuse has on users compared to harder drugs such as heroine and cocaine.
I found this picture on Wikipedia and I thought I should share it with you guys. It really surprised me.

The graph shows how harmful each drug is and also how likely dependence is while taking it. I never knew that alcohol was that harmful for you. The graph actually projects that LSD and ecstasy are less harmful, although I do not recommend taking either of these. Towards the bottom, the link even shows the social costs of each drug.

So next time you go out on a Friday night, be careful what you put into your body. It may some harmful effects longterm that you never realized.


  1. Personally, alcohol isn't a bad thing... But, what really matters to me is why people drink it.. I don't think the purpose of drinking alcohol should be to pass out lol but relieve yourself and have fun.. Instead of drinking tons.. I think moderation of alcohol makes you happier lol

  2. I grew up with the knowledge that alcohol wasn't bad in itself, but how much people consume and the actions they take after drinking too much. Drugs, on the other hand, are viewed by a lot of my friends as just a fun way to spend the evening and not have a care in the world. I agree that a lot of people underestimate the consequences, and feel pity for people who don't realize until it's too late.

  3. I believe that drinking is not bad as long as you do not go crazy and drink multiple drinks all night. If you have 1 or 2 drinks per sitting you can still control yourself and have a good time.
