Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Real Ratatouille

Today at dinner at the Brittain Dining Hall they had ratatouille, the same dish from the movie we just watched. At first glance the dish didn't look that good, so I skipped it and walked around to see what else they had to eat. Unfortunately there wasn't anything to appetizing tonight. So I went back and grabbed some ratatouille and put it on my plate. I ate everything else before I even attempted to try it, but when I did I was quite impressed. The vegetables were nice and tender , however the sauce was a little runny. Overall I would probably eat it again, but I was wondering if anyone had actually eaten “real” ratatouille. By real I mean food cooked outside of Georgia Tech Dining halls. And if you have eaten if what do you think about it?


  1. Hm I didn't even notice they had ratatouille today. The hot food did not look very appetizing today, so I just skipped right over it.
    Maybe if they had prepared it the way it was in the movie I would have tried it out.

  2. I never go to Brittain anymore because I cannot find anything that I want to eat over there. LOL But I am pretty sad that I missed the real ratatouille. I never really tried it before either:(

  3. I'm pretty much in the same boat as Zee, I would've liked to try it in honor of the movie, but probably would'nt travel all the way to Brittain just to try it. Interesting that they'd make the dish, though.

  4. I have had realll ratatouille and it is SOO GOOD
    if you find a restaurant that serves it, you should most def try it.
    My friend's aunt made it and I can say at first, I thought it look disgusting. However, after a couple bites, it was Delicious!!

  5. I've nnever had ratatouille but i woulndt trust it from any of the dining halls. one time i saw samosas being served at woody's. I went to get some they didnt look authentic at all they looked more like dessert pastries than anything. i went back to my table and asked my friend what he thought, and he confirmed my suspiscions and told me they werent samosas.
