Friday, November 13, 2009

Food Label Lure

"As the warm, radiant sun embraces the Mediterranean shores, family and friends gather to share good stories and great food."

This is the opening line I found on the label of my humus. Surprised that this wasn't extracted from an article about Greece? Me too. I found this while eating my mid-morning snack of humus and celery. This small excerpt pertained so well to everything we have studied thus far. This was simply the introduction to the warm, cozy feeling the company was hoping to invoke when writing this. These words are the company's attempt to lure new consumers by means of evoking emotions through pathos. The label reads on

"We invite you to savor the experience of fresh, delicious Sabra. Toast good health and authenticity everyday with Sabra."

By concluding with these words, the company drives forward the feeling of comfort by means of ingesting this brand of food only as if this experience can only be had by enjoying this brand of food alone. The company not only utilizes pathos but logos as well by stating the product is "fresh" and implying this will bring "good health" to the consumer.

How was I supposed to feel anything other than warm and fuzzy inside while eating this? Has anyone else seen sly ways of luring consumers to certain products?


  1. It's all marketing and advertising. Well, I'd say its more of a pathos-based advert unless the company is very reputable, which then introduces an element of ethos in it.
    Most of the taglines you quoted appeal to my emotional sense of pleasure and well-being.

  2. It is no wonder that comnpanies include things like this in their product. The food industry is full of fierce competition, and comapanies will pay people lots of money to dewvelop clever ways to advertise their product

  3. It's kind of sad really because they have resorted to painting this picture of luxury and comfort all to sell humus.
