Thursday, November 19, 2009


Our group met the other night to makes some of our chocolate recipes. One of the ingredients called for was unsweetened cocoa powder, In and of itself cocoa powder is nothing unsual, but what made me laugh was that there was a large label on the back of the container stating that the powder was a good source of anti-oxidants! As I am reading Pollan's book, I am amazed at how much all these nutrient health claims really have permeated all of the products in the supermarket.


  1. It is amazing how hard companies try to convince you that everything is great for you. I saw a candy bar with a label that read "High in Protein." I think it was a PayDay and I was thinking, "Along with sugar and everything bad for you too!"

  2. haha, well yes I remember that. Maybe we should give credit to those unapologetic companies selling all that harmful food and being brave enough not to make any health claims, or appear to make health claims.

    Unfortunately, I don't think that will last. For the (sadly) large part of the population yet to read Pollan's book, the products making the dubious health claims are the ones being sold in large quantities.

  3. The sugar canister in the LCC break-room reads, "Nature's Natural Sweetener".

  4. it also reminds me of the welch's grape juice that claimed that anti-oxidants were all you needed to stay healthy haha

  5. The sad part is that those "super special awesome" antioxidants are probably going to end up increasing your risk of getting cancer because they were not ingested in the natural context for which they were intended.

  6. haha thats pretty funny, i guess they will do anything they can to sell as much stuff as possible

  7. Imagine that: getting cancer from ingesting too many anti-oxidants. Then these companies will realize their mistakes and probably launch a new product war to determine which has the largest amount of "oxidants" (in order to neutralize the now supposedly harmful antioxidants).

    It's an unstoppable vicious cycle, my friends.
