Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's cooking experience

So our group (Brittany, George, Z, Alec and myself) just finished up baking our goods for the day, and it was far easier than last week. Maybe it's because those of us that have rarely cooked before actually learned a little last week, or because the recipes were easier. Either way, we spent a solid 5 hours in the kitchen last Sunday, and only spent a little over 2 today. Everything went smoothly until i decided it would be a great idea to go off and break our pie crust, resulting in a 15 minute delay to publix in search of a replacement. However, all in all, we've officially finished 4 of our 5 recipes and are nearly done with the actual cooking part of our group. Just felt like posting our progress, and tomorrow there may be a special surprise from todays success. Hope everyones had a great weekend!


  1. This week was definitely a lot easier and we seemed to really know what to do to help each other. It also helped that we all were eager to finish these recipes and do what we could to get out of the kitchen. The coke cake was a variation of the recipe I'm familiar with and didn't look appetizing at all. I am thinking the marshmallows are what did it. Maybe with some icing to cover it, the cake would actually look more appealing. When I moved the cake from one pan to another, the texture was much more like a pound cake than the normal cake I'm used to. But yes, we are finally done with our official baking phase and Thanksgiving will hold our smoothie phase

  2. Amen to that, luckily we had someone to help show us the ropes. The smoothies will hopefully go over just as well as today and put us in a good position!

  3. I realize early this morning that we didn't put butter into our pie. I wonder if it makes a difference in the taste because the consistency seems fine. Any takers?
