We finally finished our cooking for the final project and spent entire Saturday almost doing it.We started with buying the ingredients from the grocery store 'Publix',trying to stick to our budget(which we did in the end with $10 left).We were going to cook in Smith,but since the kitchen was too small,we transferred to David's dorm Matheson Hall,where we set up the video camera,our ingredients and decided the order in which we would cook the recipes and video tape them.We took a lot of photos and ended up having a lot of fun even though the session lasted from like 11:00am to 6:00pm.We initially were apprehensive about being able to complete all our 5 recipes on one day along with video taping them,but finally all went well.We each took up on recipe,had a practice run,before finally 'performing' in front of the video camera.I must say it has been an experience like no other,and i cooked for like the first time i my life,learning to make stuff that i never initially knew how to.All our recipes ended up well and we finally had a feast,mixing and matching different leftover ingredients to create various exotic concoctions (thank god we were able to avoid dining hall food for once).We were faced by some disturbances from the people in the dorm who we locked out for a brief period of time(lol).But in the end all the videos came out well,(while some were more entertaining than the others;-)).We ended up with a lot of trial videos and funny bloopers,which we watched.So the entire experience was educational and entertaing more than anything else haha..
A Formal Goodbye to the Foodies Blogs
15 years ago
We had a lot of fun but doing all 5 recipes in one day for 7 hours was VERY tiring!