Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I found this interesting on Youtube! I think this can somewhat summerize what the book we are reading about in class is trying to tell its readers. It explains the argument that the book wants to expose to the readers more visually.


  1. Pretty ironic that there was a pizza hut advertisement in the beginning haha

  2. I think to put it more delicately, Pollan is trying to promote apples, bananas, etc. over junk food because these are things that our great grandmothers would recognize as food. Although he uses the nutrients argument as well, he tries to avoid going down that road too much as that would make it a "nutritionists argument". That's precisely what the lady here is doing... she's using nutrients and calories to promote one food over the other. Pollan wants to avoid these sort of arguments because then the big companies can engineer a product with more nutrients per ounce, and then promote it over these fruits. I mean, I can already picture Gatorade executives ordering their research staff to design a drink which contains more electrolyte per ounce than an apple.
