Friday, November 13, 2009

Hot Cocoa and Free Hugs?

Today, I was walking to english class through Skiles Walkway exhausted and overwhelmed with college. My friends and I were freaking about a near CS test along with a calculus test. Plus, we had more Architecture homework than possibly imaginable. But then, I got a happy surprise which brightened my day just a little bit. On the right side of the walkway was a little table offering free hot cocoa and cookies. I thought, "There must be trying to promote abortion or something like that..." But to my happiness, it was totally free! Absolutely no reason, just free.

For once, I wasn't harassed walking down Skiles walkway, and instead, I got some delicious hot cocoa and an excellent cookie to go along. This cheered me up on this miserable Friday the 13th.

Free Hugs on Skiles Walkway!! Certainly brought a smile to my face :)


  1. What is crazy about that is my friend is actually going to bake cookies and hand them out as moral boosters. I found it interesting that her first thought of comfort to stressed college students was chocolate chip cookies, something we all see as ideal comfort food.

  2. Yes I loved the free hugs! It will definitely make someones day when one is down. I've been stressing over this CS Test too and it was nice to just get a free hug from some1 :) I wish I would have walked by the free cookies and hot chocolate though!

  3. Unforutneetely i didnt see any of these, but i think its great that people would do this, what a great way to try to make georgia tech survivable

  4. The cookies and hot coco would have definately cheered me up lol I wish I was there go have some :(

    I love having hot coco during chili weathers and for some reason I find myself eating fish and chips when I get sad lol

  5. That reminded me of The Compliment Guys from Purdue University. They are two guys who just stand around and give compliments. They have recently gained some national attention being on Oprah and having a guest spot in the New York Times. I also believe they were in Atlanta this past spring.


  6. Why I never get free food or drink when I'm walking through Skiles Walkway. What I always get is advertisement.

  7. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who dislikes random handouts to equally as random events that I've never even heard of in my life. However, it was quite a nice change to see some hot cocoa instead of fliers. Go free hugs!

  8. Yeah, I have seen the free hug people on skiles. I think it is really neat. I haven't gotten one, but it would definitely cheer me up if I were having a bad day.

    The complement guys at Purdue are awesome, thx for sharing the link.
