Sunday, November 8, 2009

Food as Art

I found some pictures that turned lunchtime into art class.

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the merits of food as an art medium. If so, does anyone have any other cool examples?


  1. This is soooo cute. I doubt I would eat this cute little thing though. There are so many fancy decorated food in fancy restaurants nowadays, but none of them are as lovely as those creative colorful dishes.

  2. Food can be definitely considered as a form of art. As such art can be used to make art... in other words, art can spawn art. I think this is a good example of this.

    On another note, how did this cook manage to get the upright screen?

  3. Almost anything can be used as an art medium, and to me, it is a great way for one to show his or her respect for food. Art is often used as an expression of oneself, and to do it through food is no different than doing it through any other medium. I guess the only difference between food art and several other types of art is originality (and possibly lack of preservation).

    The art looks great, and more power to the artist.

  4. Haha that looks pretty awesome, can't say I've seen many food arts aside from birthday cakes. Foods like this would make good attention grabbers for restaurants, as well as make them unique. Pretty great find!

  5. Food is definately an artform in almost every aspect of itself. From the way that the final product looks (in the case of your picture) down to the way that it is prepared and cooked is a careful artform that you could spend years perfecting.

  6. I really want to eat that haha. When on a couple cruises I do in the past they always have a food show at midnight where the carve bread into pictures, have ice sculptures, and fruit bouquets etc. I must say, in real life it is a site to see!

  7. Food is clearly a form of art, but the problem for me is that i would consider it a waste to use something as creative as the thing in the picture on something as trivial as eating.

  8. Yea I know what you mean Alyssa those ice sculptures are very pretty indeed. Too bad you can't eat them but the cakes and fruit bouquets in the cruises is tasty and pretty to look at. Like the this mini-laptop here.

  9. Wow, that is so awesome. I love food and definitely consider it to be a form of art. It does seem a shame to eat something like that, but I guess that is part of the beauty of it. Food, or culinary(art), is definitely comparable to any other form of art in that it takes much time and practice to master, is enjoyed in different forms by different people, and involves many different aspects, mediums, ingredients, and tools to convey a message or experience.
