Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving- my least favorite holiday... food wise.

Kiara enjoying the sun :)
People are usually so ready to dig into pumpkin pie and turkey. However, that's not the case for me. In fact, I dislike all Thanksgiving food. Cranberries. Yuck. Turkey. Dry. Sweet Potatoes. GROSS. Asparagus. Bleh. Pumpkin Pie. Eh... it's okay. Overall, I'm just a realllll picky eater. So, this year, my astounding mother made me my own little meal :) I ate sizzling honey roast ham, these sweet carrots, and mashed potatoes! For once, I had a happy Thanksgiving and left the table feeling stuffed and content.

But besides the food, I love Thanksgiving for I get to fly down to my grandparents house in Ocala, Fl. A charming retirement community where you can live right next to the golf course, my grandparents at the 8th hole, as well as drive golf carts around. I love spending time with my grandparents and listening to their stories. Plus, my Oma's cooking is to die for :)
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Plus, my Oma turned 84! And she is doing fabulous!!! :)


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