Friday, November 27, 2009

An Untouchable Yet Decorative Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is often the time when people look for the huge turkey and make a ton of plates such as mash potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and more.

My Thanksgiving meal was exactly that albeit earlier than usual. Due to my brother being invited to another Thanksgiving annually, my family celebrates it during lunch. However from living away from home for quite some time, I am no longer use to my family's timing for lunch. I woke up an hour before Thanksgiving and was still groggy when the turkey was making its grand entrance to center stage. In addition to my sleepiness, I had begun developing a cold, which often leaves me with little to no appetite.

I still managed to eat a small amount and got to taste my mother and grandmother's cooking. The creamy white mash potatoes with the over-the-top gravy was absolutely to die for. It was definitely a shame to not get to eat more than a few bites. Aside from the mash potatoes, there was cranberry sauce and the turkey. The sauce gave a distinct taste leaving a person to simply ask for more. Sadly I can't say the same about turkey as to me it is just as I remembered from previous years before. I reckon it is a tasty turkey that my grandmother and mother prepared but I guess I'm not quite the turkey fan. The turkey had delicious skin but the inner parts were simply bland or so I thought.

As if my grandmother knew the turkey's lacking taste, she gave another turkey to each of us! The second turkey she gave was no other than a chocolate turkey, which was wrapped in colorful aluminum foil. My grandmother confessed they were really from my aunt on the west coast.

With the chocolate turkey at hand, I quickly excused myself and returned to a long overdue treat -- sleep.


  1. Woww that chocolate turkey looks delicious..I'm sure you had a lot of fun with your family...Happy belated Thanksgiving btw..hahaha yeah practically the main thing i've been doing these holidays is sleeping till like noon everyday...

  2. Yeah, I have needed to catch up on sleep for the past couple weeks and this week has been a lifesaver before dead week and the intense studying to come. Hope you get better soon!

  3. Unlike you guys, I've been waking up earlier over Thanksgiving. My family planned a bunch of trips and I had to get up at 7:00! At Tech i normally get up at 11:00 or 1:00 depending on the day.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving back at ya :D

    Sleep must be taken full advantage of for definitely lots of studying will be happening. >< The finals will definitely boost people's grades and then we also have our own presentation to worry about in English, where I wouldn't be surprised if it was graded harder than the last... as it is pretty broad now. =\

    D: Sucks to hear that Drew but I hope there is at least one day in the break where you can get more sleep.

  5. I am very curious about how chocolate turkey would taste. haha. But, it sure looks delicious though!
