Saturday, November 28, 2009


my thanksgiving started out with the potential to be disastorous, but thankfully it ended up great. The problems occured with my flight home. When i got to the atlanta airport, i learned my first flight (to philly) had been changed so i could have a better chance of making my connecting flight (to state college). However, there were problems at the philly airport, and the flight was delayed two hours. If i had gotten on this flight, i would miss the last connecting flight to state college and would have been stranded at the philly airport overnight. Thankfully however, with much thinking, i found a flight going to harrisburg. Harrisburg is only a hour or so drive from my house, so i ended up flying there and getting a ride back home. Even though ended up home hours later than expected, i was very thankful i didnt have to spend the night in the airport.

Then when i got home i finally had a chance to eat real food and stuffed myself with as much turkey and homemade pumpkin pie as i could handle. I left the next day, earlier than i might have wanted to, (considering i didnt get tickets to the uga game) but i thoroughly enjoyed my time home, and regard it as a teaser for the month or so ill have off in two weeks time.

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