Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fine, I will take Herman's advise

{It is a poem that I wrote in Chinese and then Herman saw it and told me that I should translate it and post it here. Well, so I did, after a little bit editing.}

From today, I am going to be happy

Waking up in the morning, seeing through the curtians, no matter rain or sunshine, I will smile

Telling myself it is a good weather

From today, I am going to be happy

Feeling the unfair side of the world, wanting to complain, telling myself a joke

Telling myself that my life is not acomplished unless I experience it

From today, I am going to be happy

Facing difficulties, willing to give up, I will try my best to forget about it, and cheer myself up

Telling myself that I can and will make it through

Escape? Fruit!

Sad? Chocolate!

Tired? Meat!

From today, I am going to be happy

If I want to cry, I will smile,

and go eat!!!!!!!!

ps. picture taken at M&M store, time square, NYC

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