Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving at "The Inn"

My dad is currently working in Louisville, KY; my mom is presently living in Roswell, GA. The fact that my father had to work the day after thanksgiving made it difficult for him to make the six hour drive down to Georgia twice in two days, and there is no homely atmosphere up in Louisville for us to give thanks in, so we compromised and met somewhere close to the halfway point between the two cities, in Tennessee. We met a homely place in Kingston called Whitestone Inn, where we all stayed the night before going our separate ways, but this a food blog, and the food at the inn is what I am writing about.

There, Thanksgiving is a traditional-style Thanksgiving meal: a buffet of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato pie, and anything else turkey day related. It was a great meal, as it should be, and I was quite full when I set out to the dessert bar. That is one area that really made the meal outstanding. The desserts included pecan pie, gingersnap cookies with a pumpkin puree (with a much fancier name than that, I am sure) that complemented each other nicely, and a frozen cream pie (again, a better name probably exists). The pie was exceptional, the cookie dunkers were witty and wonderful, and the pecan pie was, well, perfect. I had a lovely time and would recommend, to the traveler trapped in Tennessee, a stay (with a dinner) in Whitestone Inn.

1 comment:

  1. I've never gone anywhere other than home for Thanksgiving. That being said, I had no idea that inn's would serve a Thanksgiving meal. I guess for situations like yours, it makes perfect sense and it enables your family to be together for the holiday. Glad that it worked out for you guys.
